Multiple Questioning Strategies In English As A Foreign Language (EFL) Classrooms by Supriusman ( Author )
, Melor Md Yunus ( Author )
, Hanafi Mohd Yassin ( Author )
Teachers' creativity in teaching is a vital core aspect of the learning process as it can attract students' interest and give a deeper understanding of their learning subjects. Educational focus, which is merely based on the theoretical achievement of academic goals and drill exercises, should be avoided. Moreover, the subjects' contents should be practical and applicable to the students daily. Therefore, there is a need for the currently available strategies and techniques, especially in learning English, to be given a new outlook as most teachers still use a stereotypical approach to teaving English. Multiple questioning strategies (MOS) is an English language teaching strategy that English teachers can apply in the classroom. MOS enhances students' motivation, critical thinking. and English proficiency, as perceived by teachers and students. This book discusses the teachers' knowledge, preparation, and skills in multiple questioning strategies and their implementation in the classroom. Teachers are more likely to use individual-based questions than group-based or whole-class strategies. Compared to probing, funnel, open, and close-ended questions, leading and rhetorical questions are frequently used. Lower-order thinking questions are used more regularly by teachers than higher-order thinking questions. Furthermore, teachers' preparations play a significant role in implementing multiple questioning strategies. From the students' perspective, this book examines how teachers use various questioning strategies, which affect students motivation, critical thinking skills, and proficiency. This book, interestingly, looks at how different questioning strategies and practices affect students' motivation levels. This book informs readers that teachers must be able to pose various questions to promote students' critical thinking skills and English proficiency. This book may indicate the need to revise the teacher education curriculum.
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Education & Teaching
File Size 281.17 KB
RM 25.00
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